Saturday, September 6, 2008

Sound of Silence

The 7 month silence sounds like: Caleb turning two, Christian assuming a lot more work, more ministry for both of us due to the work Christian assumed (which is a good thing, yet busy thing), me discovering I am pregnant and: anemic, hypoglycemic, with bad sciatica, varicose veins, throw in a staff infection and an 8 week unnamed infection, as well as the normal pregnancy issues of sleepless nights and exhaustion.

However, I have been inspired to start blogging again as it truly is a great way to capture the memorable moments in Caleb's life. And I know I am not going to remember much of this time I am pregnant, as I have been so sick and tired, so I want to write it all down before it leaves my mind forever because Caleb is doing some cute and amazing things. Already kicking myself for the time I have allowed to pass (although physically I don't know I could have kept up with blogging if I tried!).

So, pictures to come soon, and I hope to back blog (is that a real term?) at least one entry a month for the months I missed. For now though...

I am 32 weeks pregnant and Caleb is going to be 2 1/2 on September 28th. Wow, time flies. Last night he slept in his toddler bed for the first time. Although he had a few needs as he was going to sleep (change PJ's, need water, need to go potty) he did fall asleep at a reasonable time, happily, and slept straight for 11 hours! I had to take a picture. You will see how cute he is sleeping in his big boy bed soon.

Speaking of potty, he is well on his way to being potty trained. He does well going pee pee on the potty and his pull ups are often dry these days. He is going poo poo on the potty most days of the week. That is a tremendous joy to Christian and I as 2 year old poo poo is not our favorite parenting moments.

Caleb loved VBS in June and on the day they explained the gospel, he seemed to get it! Now he had a love for Jesus and the Bible before that, and mostly by just being exposed to whatever Christian and I were doing, as we have been intentional to raise him up in the Lord, but not to press upon him the need to accept Jesus. He told us that Jesus died on the cross for us, and since then has told us that Jesus is in his heart. Soooo cute!Here he is working on a craft and standing up front during worship with all the kids. The cute girl next to him is Anna, one of his good friends.

He loves playdates with friends, the Zoo, the beach, sports with Daddy (and sometimes mommy too), swim lessons, all of his cousins, grandparents, aunties and uncles, all animals, tractors, music and singing. Most mornings and after naps he sings to himself for awhile before he calls me in to get him. I love to hear him sing!

He is also becoming quite independent and experimenting with that which is sometimes fun and sometimes not so fun, but I am learning how to work with it (Love and Logic baby).

Caleb, I am so proud of you! You are growing up so quickly. I sometimes wish I could keep you my little baby boy, but then I see your growth, your joy in growing into a "big boy" and am excited for all your adventures and accomplishments. Truly, you are a sweet boy, my precious son, and I am so thankful for you. Today, you had a hard time being without me, you haven't done that in awhile. I can't help thinking it was because you had so many big boy moments this morning (first night in big boy bed, pee pee and poo poo by yourself on the potty, putting on your shirt and shoes all by yourself), that you needed me to reassure yourself that I am still here for you. I loved holding you and reassuring you how much I love you and am proud of you. It does not matter how "big" you are, you are always my son, I am always here for you, and I love you.

Tonight as we were reading our Bible story (kids version), you were very troubled that the soldiers were mean to Jesus and that they hit him. Daddy and I talked to you about how Jesus has the power (VBS) and that the soldiers couldn't hurt him unless Jesus allowed them too because Jesus had a plan, and that Jesus wins in the end. We told you that Jesus is strong, stronger than those soldiers (and you said "Strong like Daddy?"). You were a little reassured, but you continued to talk about how you did not want the soldiers to hit Jesus. We prayed about it together, but you were still troubled. We were able to distract you before you went to sleep in the hope you would sleep with peace, but I had to tell you then and remember now that you are having a similar response to that story that I had. Grammy tells me that she told me about Jesus dying when I was three and that I cried and was very troubled by the idea. I know that Jesus is so central to my world and I love him so, that recognizing the similarity in our stories gives me great hope that you too will have a love for Jesus that carries you through all the trials and joys in life, and I pray that for you every day.

Silence is over... there are just too many things to capture from your life to not note them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post honey! I'm glad you're back at blogging. It's such a great way to chronicle your adventures with our little man Caleb. I love you! Keep it up!
