Monday, May 11, 2009

Mandatory Evacuation

Evacuating is never fun. We should know, we have done it 3 times in the 5 years we have lived in our current home, the last two times in the last 12 months!

First, I was teaching in Oxnard, pre-kids of our own, and could not go to work for a week because 101 was covered in the La Conchita landslide. We were evacuated due to the culvert that SB City believed would overflow sending insane amounts of water down the creek behind our house, flooding the creek, and our home too.

Second, last July, GAP fire. We were enjoying some time with Christian's family just before 4th of July when the GAP fire got closer to our home (gotta love those sundowners) and we packed as much as we could and got our of dodge... pregnant and with a 2 year old. Sent the Schaleskys back home, my poor sister-in-law was also pregnant and had to pack up the camper, 4 kiddos, and drive the bumpy ride home in the middle of the night! We stayed with family in town for that one and were on warning for a week before we could go back home.

This time, we were watching the fire closely. We packed Tuesday night before going to bed, the day the fire started. The fire was not even close at that time, but with our track record, we figured we would be evacuated before long. The pic at the top is around 5:30pm when the wind changed directions and the fire started heading our way. Within 5 hours we were on mandatory evacuation and on our way to our friends house. Had to wake both Caleb and Audrey from sleeping, bummer. Audrey has been fine through it all, of course she doesn't understand what is happening. Caleb has had a rough time. Misses his toys, his bead, wondering how his house is, etc. Cried a few times. Scary for a 3 year old. He was dead asleep when we evacuated. I had to bring him outside to the noise of helicopters over head, sirens blaring, ash flying and stinky smoke swirling. Poor guy, must have been scary.

Caleb was sure pleased this morning when I told him that our neighbors called and the evacuation is lifted and we can go back home. He was so happy his things and home are safe. Very thankful for firefighters too. Had a very peaceful nap afterwards. Hoping he sleeps better tonight too. Last night, he awoke in the middle tof the night, teary, asking, "Where is my home?"

Thankful for good friends and family that host us during these evacuations, and love and care for my kiddos to help make this as easy on them as possible.

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