Thursday, March 5, 2009

Stain Treat

Every parent of young kids needs good stain remover, or they are rich and buy new clothes at an alarming rate... or their kids wear very stained clothes.

Did I say just kids? Ha, parents need good stain remover too.

Items on my shirt today: Lot's of spit up, breastmilk, cheddar cheese cracker dust, lot's of snot (both kiddos have a cold), water (but that is harmless)probably thousands of germs from coughs, enchilada sauce, and poop. Yep, Audrey pooped through her PJ's on to my shirt.

That about summarizes my day today. Although, today was a bit better then the last two days in regard to my being able to parent in spite of exhaustion (Audrey is nursing every 1 1/2-2 hours during this cold and Caleb is waking frequently to yell about his pain).

Stay tuned for tomorrow when I post a really encouraging email about mothering from my dear friend. Well, the email is from my friend, but the advice is from her mum. Can't tell you how thankful I was to recieve it today, made me cry. Can't post right now though because the hubby wants me to shut down and watch a show with him. (Sleep deprivation is mostly due to kids, partly due to our need to feel like adults and do something that has nothing to do with parenting before we go to bed).

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