Monday, March 9, 2009

Oops, and other male/female bathroom blunders

Caleb truly is so proud that he wears big boy underwear now. And yes, as part of the whole, "pee pee on the potty" idea, we use to say to Caleb, "Show (enter relative or close friend's name) how you can pee pee on the potty." This led to Caleb believeing that anyone that is around when he is going potty (that he even slightly knows, especially other kids) ought to watch him go. Most kids happily oblige, especially those who are not yet potty trained, as potty training is this huge mysterious thing.

Friend's Post:

Jen, I am so sorry for the confusion this caused!

My sister, (sorry for outing you Katie) used to believe she had a penis. She, like Anna, use to insist on it, rather vehemently. You will be happy to know Jen, that today, she is a well adjusted woman. Quite happy with her (ahem) girl parts, with a great husband and daughter to boot.

And I will let Christian know to be expecting a call from Adam soon. :)


Jen Gray said...

Ha! TOTALLY not a problem. I actually appreciate any garnering of interest in the potty. It's okay for Anna to know about (and even see....well, at this age!) penises. The whole thing was just so hilarious that I HAD to write about it! : )

Caleb's Momma said...

It was quite funny, thanks for sharing. You know, our kids are going to kill us that we wrote about this stuff online one day, or laugh histerically.