Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Tuesdays with the Piersmas

My friend Janel just had her second daughter. We, Caleb and I, are driving to Solvang on Tuesdays to help Janel adjust to life with two, and to hang out with our dear friends, Janel, her eldest daughter Ella, and her newest daughter, Lucie. Caleb and Ella love to hang out. Janel, makes being the mom of a 3 year old and a newborn look easy! I don't know that she needs my help much, but I enjoy our times together.
Caleb had a lot of fun today. I pulled Caleb and Ella in the wagon and we went to this great park in Solvang. They ate snacks, spotted animals, and sang songs on the way. Ella is sweet with him.

We, the Piersmas and the Schaleskys, joked when I was pregnant with Caleb, that Caleb and Ella will get married one day and that we were arranging their marriage. It may have been prophetic. They love to hang out and both were sad the last two Tuesdays that they couldn't take their naps together.

They climbed into Ella's bed and started reading stories. Caleb cried when I said it was time to go home (back to Santa Barbara), and begged to nap with Ella.

It is so fun having a good friend that also has a child that is good friends with my child. God knew what he was doing when he orchestrated our friendship!

1 comment:

Janel said...

We love seeing you guys too! Tuesdays with Jill and Caleb has been great fun for Ella AND me. We feel very blessed to have your friendship! Now, we just need to get a date set to hang out together with our hubbies too!