Tuesday, January 22, 2008

First Blog Attempt

Dear Friends and Family,

I am hoping to start updating Adventures with Caleb on a weekly basis. This will be a fun adventure in itself if I can learn how to do this!

Caleb and I have had many adventures in his almost 22 months of life. The ones that come quickly to mind are: the NICU, the Zoo, the beach, exploring on our property, trips to see family, Mexico, England, and playing with friends.

I loved teaching, but I love being a mom too. Caleb has brought immeasurable joy to my life (and massive sleep deprivation) and I am so thankful for him. It is fun to start contemplating a sibling for Caleb... maybe God will bless us with another precious gift this year. I must say, all in his perfect timing though. I think these last 22 months with Caleb has brought me to a much more balanced place in my parenting, and I am thankful for the perspective I now have.

Caleb in York, England- October 07


Anonymous said...

Hi honey,
Love the blog! I knew I'd convert you :) I look forward to hearing your thoughts on life with Caleb. Glad to be your first poster. Love you!


Fiona said...

Look how big he has grown since I was last there! I am excited you have a blog now so I can watch him grow up. I'm missing the California sunshine here in gloomy Brussels. Hope you are well x

Anonymous said...

Hi dear niece and family!
Thank you for inviting me to share in your blog experience so I finally get to see more of you, Christian, Caleb, and ????? (A new playmate for Caleb and Isabella!)
We love you all,
Auntie Susan and Uncle Theo

Annette said...

Hey, Jill,
I love your blog, and I look forward to checking in on it to see all of the cute pictures of Caleb. He is such a cutie!! :)

I have a blog, but it's only for my classes with my students. I don't think I have time to do a blog for my kids, but maybe I could if I tried. You are inspiring me to try. I know the grandparents would love it...

Janel said...

Yahoo! Glad to see that you're joining the blogosphere! Honestly, I think that blogging can be time well spent...it gives you a chance to write about all the little things that happen in your child's life. Call it being the family historian!