Saturday, February 9, 2008

Mama's Taking Us To The Zoo Tomorrow

Zoo tomorrow, zoo tomorrow, we can stay all day. We sing this song by Raffi on the way to the Zoo each week (and just about anytime we drive anywhere). It is just the prelude to the excitement that awaits Caleb at the Santa Barbara Zoo. This trip we got to see the Amur Leopards in action (although they are resting in these pictures). They had just been wrestling with each other. The Lemurs climbed overhead to check us out. We always visit the "ma-a's" and the "ba-a's". The African Cat was out! And we discovered there are two of them. We learned the trick to seeing them (because most people never do). The trick is to go to the Zoo just before closing time. Apparently, this is when the cats are up and about, and they ran around in circles for us for quite awhile. They were really friendly and cute.This trip was back on January 21st. Christian was driving friends to LAX, and we were looking to do something after Caleb's nap. A quick trip to the Zoo did the trick, and then we crashed Caleb's friend Drew's Birthday dinner with his family. It was a great night!

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