Monday, April 6, 2009

Audrey is 5 months old today!

What a cutie! Yes, she is chubby (6-12 month size outfit), but she is cute, and sweet!

What she is up to now:

Giggling at brother. Staring at brother. Smiling at brother. Playing with brother. She has such a cute laugh. He makes her laugh the most of all of us, and he gets the best laughs. They have such a special relationship. One major goal in life will be to pray for that relationship, and preserve it as much as possible on my end. Caleb and Audrey adore each other. It brings me joy to see them interact everyday. I never tire of it. Caleb is definitely Audrey's favorite person!

Reading... Audrey LOVES books, read to her, and to eat.

Bath time. She gets a bath every other day, with Caleb. What fun! She splashes and kicks, and splashes some more.

Slapping things with her right hand. That hand is going constantly and she tries to get anything and everything around her. She is going to be a wild one.

Rolling from tummy to back.

Scooting on her back... she is quite good at it.

Trying to scoot on her tummy... not as good, but she puts in a lot of effort.

Babbling baby babble, so cute! I love "talking" with her. She is quite the talker.

Staring at Daddy with a HUGE smile and following his voice with her eyes. She knows if he is around even before she sees him.

Christian showed her her toes today, she now LOVES her toes and tries to get them when she can.
Chewing anything and everything with ferocious energy.

Not napping so great. Nightime is okay, but used to be better. Very alert these days, and doesn't want to miss a thing!

I just love her and she is very sweet and enjoyable. Caleb and I have a lot of fun with her each day, and she goes with the flow most of the time with Caleb's schedule. Although hard to have two, Audrey herself is a joy.

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