Monday, March 3, 2008


Oh, do I hate that word right now! Yes, I know it has value, and can be important, but Caleb is going through a bit of a defiant phase, and it doesn't help that I am extra tired these days. Luckily, he is incredibly social, so when he shouts "No!" at me I just start ignoring him and he shortly after says "Sorry, Mama, for shouting you." And then, of course I forgive him because he is so cute when he says he is sorry. Really though, when does this stop?

Any creative ideas on gettting rid of the No Monster? Christian and I realized yesterday that we need to not say it as much ourselves, and think of more positive ways of saying what we do not want him to do, which seems to help. Any other ideas?

I do realize he will be two in less than a month and it is par for the course, but I do not play golf well, so something needs to give. :)


Jen Gray said...

Not that I'm such an expert (if anything, I watch what *you* are doing with Caleb and try to emulate that!), but I read somewhere about trying to eliminate many of the "no's" from our own language, like you said. So, for instance, instead of "no running!" you would say, "walk, please!"

Easier said than done, I'm sure. Sigh. I'm sure, like every other parenting challenge, it's just a phase and that, yes, you can indeed survive it. : )

Anonymous said...

I cant help but laugh a little bit! its too cute, and at lease he appologizes! I heard stories growing up that Nate used to teach my sisters and I all of those key words that you dont want children, especially girl children saying. IE no, charge it, mine, give me, and all of those terrible sayings that some kids say.. So if Nate offers any advice take it with a grain of salt! xoxo love you guys!